10 legendary things to do in Mostar, Bosnia

You knew it was coming, right? A bombardment of photos and travel talk about my recent trip to Bosnia and the things to do in Mostar.

Buckle up, friends, because Mostar took me by storm. Actually, I almost went to Mostar four years ago during a trip to Croatia. But I went home with serious plans to come back in the future.

Well, the future has ARRIVED. I was just there with Theo and one of my besties, Anette, and I loved every bit of it. There’s nothing quite like Bosnia on a warm autumn day out of season. And that moment when you visit all those pretty places without the crowds. Pure magic.

There are two things Iโ€™m going to do in this post: the first is to share my favorite recommendations slash things to do in Mostar for anyone traveling there soon. These are the foods, sights, and experiencesย worth finding.

The second thing Iโ€™m going to do is just blast the world with vacation pictures, some of which relate to the top list and some of which are just regular vacation pictures because taking pictures is one of my favorite hobbies in all the land.

Let’s dive in!

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Things to do in Mostar

Mostar has been on my visit-soon list for several years. I’ve always heard great things about it; how beautiful it is. So quaint, full of history and culture. And it is! Mostar really is a little gem and it’s super easy to reach whether you’re in Sarajevo or coming from Croatia.

Whether you visit Mostar for a day, a weekend, or a week, thereโ€™s plenty to see and do in the town and the nearby area. You wonโ€™t be bored, I promise you that.ย 

Letโ€™s take a look at the best things to do in Mostar.

Stari Most, Mostar, Bosnia

Day trip from Sarajevo to Mostar with Meet Bosnia

This trip was sponsored by Meet Bosnia. 

I wanted to visit Mostar on a day trip from Sarajevo, but going by bus was out of the question since I had mini me along.

That’s why I’mย so thankful to have Samir from Meet Bosnia driving us around. We didnโ€™t even have to do anything. I just sat there and let the scenery morph into my brain and it was an ultra-happy place. With snacks.

Samir picked us up in his Audi (vroom vrooom) in the morning. And then he took us to Mostar, Blagaj, Kravice waterfalls, Konjic and Pocitelj. And he promptly became Theo’s new bestie. I seriously only have praise for Meet Bosnia – a tour company I would love to go with on my next trip to Bosnia. Because there will be a next!

You can Meet Bosnia here.

Price: 65โ‚ฌ for a full-day tour (10 hours), not including lunch and dinner. Bring water and money for entrance fees.

Bosnia travels

What to do in Mostar

1. Stari Most Bridge

Thanks to the Meet Bosnia tour, we saw 99% of the major Mostar attractions within one and a half hours, all while walking around in the perfect 26ยฐ C weather enjoying the sun and the nice Mostar breeze (related: go off-season, we visited in October).

Stari Most, Mostar, Bosnia

Mostar has several nice sights, but the star of the show is the bridge, which it’s named after. Stari Most, which means “old bridge” is this high crooked Ottoman stone bridge from the 16th century.

It’s surprisingly steep and slippery, as in you have to hold onto the railing. And don’t even think about bringing a stroller there. I had to DRAG it and Theo over the slippery uneven stone surface like a total nerd thank you very much.

But daaaaang, this is a beautiful place. Especially if you’re at the bottom of the bridge looking up.

Read next: 7 most beautiful places in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stari Most, Mostar, Bosnia

2. Watch the Stari Most Bridge Divers

Moving on.

To the bridge diving.

Because yes, that’s actually a thing in Mostar. Youโ€™re probably thinking the same thing as I did: why the heck would anyone jump from a 27m high bridge?!

Well, for the past 450 years, locals and tourists have jumped off the Stari Most bridge for some reason. And since 2015, one of theย Red Bull Cliff Diving World Seriesย has taken place here.

Oh, and if you’re thinking about diving then please, share your experiences with us if you survive the jump! I hate to be a wet blanket, but people have died from diving off the bridge. Or been seriously injured. Although it’s an old tradition for experienced locals, it’s just not safe.

Anette and I saw two divers jump within an hour or so. Samir had left the scene already. “Too nerve-wracking”, he said.

Mostar, Bosnia
A local. In full Speedo-armor

3. Carsija Marked (old bazaar)

On each side of the bridge, you’ll find the Carsija marked, which is loaded to the MAX with rugs, souvenirs, Turkish coffee, scarfs, jewelry, well, anything markedy, really. You’ll feel back in time, almost like the Old Town in Sarajevo.

You probably won’t notice this, but the division between the Old Town is due to the split between the Bosnian and Croatian people who live in Mostarโ€Š.

If you begin to notice, you’ll see what resembles a religious competition in the buildings around the city center. There are the towering minarets, the Catholic churches, and the gigantic Hollywood cross on one of the hilltops.

It just goes to show that there’s more to Mostar than bridge diving and cevapi.

Things to do in Mostar, Bosnia
Things to do in Mostar, Bosnia
Things to do in Sarajevo, Bosnia
Mostar, Bosnia

4. Muslibegovic House

Iโ€™ve kind of had a fling with architecture lately. Or wait, like, over the last six years. This herethis onethat other one, and now a walk down memory lane back to the original half-timbered houses in Denmark that started my love affair? I can barely stand it.

So, in Mostar, I threw myself overย the Muslibegovic house, which is a super old Ottoman building. The house is from the 17th century, and it’s furnished with all sorts of items from that period.’s furnished with all sorts of items from that period.

Really cool, although between you and me, I spent most of the time chasing after Speedy Gonzales, who was ALL over the place.

Mostar, Bosnia
Mostar, Bosnia
No touchy!! Said the lady downstairs.
Mostar, Bosnia
Ha! What do I care? Said Theo
Mostar, Bosnia

5. Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque

When we got to the Koski Mehmed Pasha mosque, the nice entrance lady asked if any of us wanted to climb the minaret, which could perhaps be better referred to as “the super-narrow tower with near vertical, teeny-tiny stairs”.

I, predictably, accepted promptly, and it was, predictably, dizzying high.

My camera thanked me when I reached the top, though. Because – did you guys know minarets are the perfect viewpoints?

Yeah. Bosnia taught me that. They are the perfect place to get a panoramic viewย of the whole land.

This is one of the best things to do in Mostar.

Things to do in Mostar, Bosnia

Annnnd my signature minaret look.

Mostar, Bosnia
Hi there, Stari Most. You can spot the big cross on the right hilltop

6. Kriva Cuprija (The Crooked Bridge)

On our way to lunch, we came across this cute little bridge (Mostarโ€™s Crooked Bridge).

This area looks like a little old town with its Shire-looking houses. Afterwards, I found out that it’s actually a mini version of Stari Most.

Aww. How cute.

Things to do in Mostar, Bosnia
Mostar, Bosnia

7. Don’t Forget Stones

On a more serious note, Mostar was at war not more than 20 years ago. Most of the historic town, including the Stari Most bridge, was destroyed. But Bosnians rebuilt it in 2004.

As I looked closer at the houses around the city center, I started noticing the bullet holes. Itโ€™s one of the things that in my opinion make Bosnia the deepest and most impactful country in the Balkans. That, and the fact that locals always ended up mentioning the war in our conversations one way or another.

There are also the “Don’t forget” stones located around town reminding its people and visitors of its sad history. 

Well, I won’t forget, Bosnia.

Mostar, Bosnia
This stone is found on the Stari Most bridge

8. Old houses of Mostar

A walk through Mostar streets provides you with a fascinating mix of the old and new.

The bullet-ridden buildings are a stark reminder of the dark times the city has experienced and give us all an insight into its devastating past.

Mostar, Bosnia
Derelict buildings riddled with bullet holes

9. Neretva River

I don’t really have a whole lot to say about the river, except a) it’s bright blue and green.

And b) it runs through Mostar and divides the Old Town.

Oh, and c) I think you can even do river rafting on the Neretva River, but not in Mostar, though.

Read next: Everything you need to know about traveling in the Balkans

Things to do in Mostar, Bosnia
Mostar, Bosnia

10. Try cevapi (with a view)

We ate really well.

I ordered cevapi and Anette got the steak and a salad, but the thing that really made me swoon was the french fries. Just plain salty french fries. What kind of food voodoo is this?

In general, the food was so good and mostly not healthy, and thatโ€™s okay because vacation.

Favorite restaurants in Mostar:

  • Hindi Han (which also has a great view)
  • Irma Tima
Mostar, Bosnia

Why you should visit Mostar

Okay, so I have a few takeaways for you.

First: please go on a fun trip to Bosnia. It doesnโ€™t have to be fancy or for long. Just go there and eat french fries and cevapi away from your regular life.

Second: โ€ฆMay I recommend Mostar?

Third: When you go to Mostar, be prepared to be blown away by the fairy tale sights and the coronary-inducing food. But no regrets. Life is worth living.

Have a great week, guys! โ™ก

Stari Most, Mostar, Bosnia
Mostar, Bosnia
This is a minaret, by the way

FAQ – Best things to see in Mostar Bosnia

Is Mostar Bosnia worth visiting?

Yes, Mostar is worth checking out! The Old Bridge is a must-see, and walking around the old town feels like stepping back in time. It’s got a unique vibe, great food, and it’s pretty easy to get around. Plus, the views are amazing.

How much time do you need in Mostar?

A full day in Mostar should cover it. You can check out the Old Bridge, explore the old town, and enjoy some local food.

If you start early, there’s also time to see a few museums or galleries. But if you’re really into soaking up the vibe or want to venture outside the city, consider adding another day.

Can you drink alcohol in Mostar?

Yes, you can drink alcohol in Mostar. The city has a mix of cultures and religions, so you’ll find places serving alcohol like bars, restaurants, and cafes.

Just be respectful of local customs, especially during religious times like Ramadan.

Do they speak English in Mostar?

Yes, many people in Mostar speak English, especially in tourist areas, hotels, and restaurants. Younger generations and those working in tourism are more likely to be fluent.

However, picking up a few basic Bosnian phrases can be appreciated and enhance your experience.

Get more tips about Bosnia

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