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10 best spiritual books to read while travelling

best spiritual books to read while travelling

The easiest and best way to begin your own spiritual journey is by reading the right books. The best spiritual books can inspire you to see the world in a new perspective and compel you to look inside yourself. My life has changed completely thanks to some of the books I’ve read over the years. 

So, dear friends, hereโ€™s a list of my absolutely favourite books that can radically alter your life. Do let me know your thoughts and any other books youโ€™ve loved in the comments below.

Here are the top 10 spiritual books to read.

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What is the best spiritual book?

This is obviously a subjective question. What connects with me may not connect with you in the same way. But if you’re openminded, you will get something out of each one from this list. Each of them will expand your mind and remind you just how much your life can change.

My favourite spiritual books are The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. The first is a book about finding your path and moving forward, while the other is about appreciating life and the present moment. These two enlightenment books, together, had a profound effect on me and how I view myself and my place in the world.

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10 best spiritual books

I hope that these spirituality self-help books will change and inspire you โ€“ maybe even lead to a little spiritual enlightenment, at least in some small way. These are my must-read best spiritual books:

1. The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho

The Alchemist, my favourite among these new age books and spirituality self-help books, is a parable โ€“ a fable about following your dreams. It teaches us that itโ€™s okay to not know where youโ€™re going in life; you just need that spark to set your feet moving. Once youโ€™re on the road, you can let it be your guide to self-discovery.

The Alchemist is one of those spiritual books that can inspire us, as travellers, to let go of our rigid plans sometimes, and see where the scenic route takes us. It can dare us to take risks and explore unknown places to see what might be around the next bend. Get it on Amazon.

2. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

This is one of those rare spiritual awakening books that very simply and clearly leads you on a journey to find your own identity. The author, Eckhart Tolle, encourages self-discovery by making it very clear that all of our power is in the NOW. Not the past and not the future.

Itโ€™s a book that, most importantly, teaches you to block out the negative thoughts that clutter your mind in order to find peace and quiet, room to breathe and enjoy the present moment. Itโ€™s a wonderful book if you feel lost, anxious or depressed. Get it on Amazon.

3. The Secret – Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is based on the belief of the law of attraction, which means that thoughts can change your life directly. Essentially, it states that similar things attract each other, so positive thoughts bring positive things and negative thoughts bring negative things.

One of the ways to turn negative thoughts into positive ones is through affirmations. For instance, if you feel bad about yourself or how you look, make it a habit to look in the mirror every day and say: “I’m beautiful and I love myself for who I am”. It’s kind of like before a job interview where you tell yourself: “You can do this!”. These affirmations can give you a boost of confidence and a more positive mindset. Get it on Amazon.

4. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert M. Pirsig

This is a rare kind of book; certainly not one of the new age books but rather one of the great spiritual journey books that most people can appreciate. A man and his son take a motorcycle road trip. Along the way, the world and its mechanics begin to take shape in the form of his personal bond with his son and with the act of maintaining his motorcycle.

This book is about learning to observe the world around you and uncover the beauty in its inner workings.  Get it on Amazon.

5. The Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield

This is a fantastic book among spiritual journey books. It instructs readers on how to read the signs of their past and present to see where they will end up in the future. Itโ€™s a book that can help you self-correct and make a plan for your future. It will help you to see the beauty in exploration, adventure, and discovery in all its forms. In short, one of the most affecting spiritual growth books around. Get it on Amazon.

6. The Art of HappinessDalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler

If thereโ€™s one person we can all reliably listen to in order to make progress towards our personal happiness, itโ€™s The Dalai Lama. When asked, he has said confidently that the purpose of life itself is happiness. In this book, The Dalai Lama presents practical advice that, if you take it on board, might guide you on the road to personal happiness and contentedness. Get it on Amazon.

7. A New Earth – Eckhart Tolle

Another of Eckhart Tolleโ€™s enlightenment books, A New Earth is a spiritual sequel to The Power of Now. It asks us simply to stop wasting precious time and energy on despairing about possible dark futures, reminiscing about an unchangeable past, and instead suggests that we must focus on building a positive present that will feed into a better future. And, of course, he guides us on how to get there. Get it on Amazon.

8. Seven Spiritual Laws of Success – Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra is a legend of the alternative medicine world and here, he provides us with one of the most successful new age books. It is a guide to finding monetary success and wealth in an alternative, creative way. Get it on Amazon.

9. Eat, Pray, Love – Liz Gilbert

One of the worldโ€™s most famous travelogues, this fantastic book is an inspiration for women the world over who desperately wish to free themselves from the bonds of monotonous daily life and see what the world can offer. You just need the willpower to reach out and take it. Get it on Amazon.

10. The Art of Travel – Alain de Botton

Prominent modern philosopher Alain de Botton has come at several different topics from unique angles. Here, he beautifully romanticises travel and reminds us, with gorgeous prose, why it’s such an integral part of our own spiritual growth and self-discovery. An inspiring book full of energy. Get it on Amazon.

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These 10 best spiritual books have been largely influential for spiritual seekers all over the world. Each book can inspire your own spiritual journey. #spirituality #spiritualtravel #travel

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  1. Hi, Miriam
    Browsing your list during my Covid homestay looking for my next read! I read the Zen book too many years ago, and tend to shy away from New-Agey stuff, but will look on my library app for The Art of Travel.
    You might enjoy what I just finished, Highway of Diamonds: an international travel adventure. I got hooked by the adventure story and came to really appreciate the subtle life lessons woven throughout.
    Thank you for sharing yourโ€ฆ. .adventures life!
    All the best to you and yours. Johanna

  2. I love this list! I’ve read a couple that have definitely changed the way I see life. So I can’t wait to read the ones I haven’t! Thank you for the recommendations.

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