12 fun things to do in Bohemian Paradise, Czech Republic

A few weeks ago, I went to Bohemian Paradise in the Czech Republic.

This area made it onto the UNESCO World Heritage list, and it’s known for the towering rock formations emerging from lush forests, rolling hills, quaint towns, and castle ruins.

If you’re looking for nature and outdoor activities, you should add Bohemian Paradise to your Czech Republic itinerary. Here are my top tips for making the most of this beautiful region!

🇨🇿🤝🏻 Many thanks to Czech Tourism for hosting me in the Czech Republic. Whenever I travel, there will always be full disclosure about whether my stay was hosted by a tourism board.

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What is Bohemian Paradise

Bohemian Paradise, also known as Czeski Raj, is a national park. It’s the Czech Republic’s first nature reserve and has grown in size over the years.

What makes Bohemian Paradise special are its castles, rocky formations, and forests of pine, willow, ash, and alder trees where you can go hiking.

The rock formations are scattered throughout the forest. Shaped by natural elements over the years, these sandstone pillars look like fingers, petrified trees, watchtowers, or castle turrets – so it’s a pretty unique sight!

Bohemian Paradise

Where is Bohemian Paradise?

Bohemian Paradise is located about 100 kilometers northeast of Prague. Just an hour and 15 minutes by car.

🚙 How to get there

You can get there by rental car or by joining a tour from Prague where everything is included:

Things to do in Bohemian Paradise

1. Try rock climbing in Semily

The Via Ferrata is a permanently installed system of steel rungs and cables that allows you to climb up and over towering rock fins.

It was my first time rock climbing and it was a fun experience. Not for the faint of heart, but well worth the effort.

Czechia’s first Via Ferrata, the Water Gate, sits high above the scenic Jizera River valley near Semily. It’s perfect for beginners, and there’s even a more challenging D/E route for seasoned climbers looking for a thrill.

👉🏻 You can book the tour here – Martin, our guide, was very helpful, cheerful, and supportive, which made the experience safe & fun.

Bohemian Paradise
Bohemian Paradise

2. Prachov Rocks

Prachov Rocks, near Jicin in Bohemian Paradise, are these cool rock formations that were shaped by wind and rain over 60 million years. You can walk around them, climb up for some awesome views, and just take it all in.

Plan to spend about 2 hours here, checking out different viewpoints and soaking up the scenery.

Bohemian Paradise

3. Trosky Castle

Trosky Castle, found in Bohemian Paradise’s Liberec region, is a set of castle ruins dating all the way back to the 14th century. It’s perched on top of two volcanic plugs, which give it that unique look and amazing views all around.

Fun fact: During the Hussite War, this castle was a Catholic fortress that somehow dodged getting taken over by the Hussites.

Underneath the castle, there are a bunch of tunnels, caves, and secret escape routes, but unfortunately, you can’t explore those today.

Bohemian Paradise

4. Try kick biking

Another fun activity I tried in Bohemian Paradise was kickbiking.

We kicked off from hill Kozákov, starting at the viewtower with the rental company, Koloběžky Český ráj (website is in Czech). You can go really fast, I believe the guide said up to 70 km/h downhill – I wouldn’t recommend it, though.

We followed the Greenway Jizera cycling route for the final stretch, and the landscape was so beautiful.

Bohemian Paradise
Bohemian Paradise

5. Climb the Kozákov Lookout Tower

Kozákov is Český Ráj’s highest hill, boasting the Riegrova tourist chalet built in 1928.

A metal tower was added in 1993, where you’ll get sweeping views from its lookout gallery. On clear days, you can see landmarks like Ještěd and Prague’s tallest buildings through binoculars.

Bohemian Paradise

6. Go rafting down the Jizera River

Ever tried rafting?

If not, the Jizera River is a great place to try it. It’s a chill experience with just a few gentle rapids so you won’t risk falling in. You can also rent a canoe and soak in the gorgeous scenery.

Rent your boat from Sundisk, which is right by the water. A guide will join you in the rafting boat.

Bohemian Paradise

7. Besedice Rocks

Besedice Rocks are made of towering sandstone formations that have been shaped over many years. You can drive up to the entrance and then wander through this maze of rocks, with narrow passageways and plenty of hidden spots. Thankfully, there are trail markers to guide you along the way.

Don’t miss the various viewpoints, and be sure to visit the famous meeting place for Jan Hus and his Hussite followers, tucked away in the forest among the rock clusters. You’ll recognize it by the tags, carvings, and the chalice symbol left behind.

💡 Tip: Plan to spend around two hours exploring on foot. It’s best to go early in the morning for a quieter experience, as it tends to get crowded by mid-morning.

8. Vranov Rock Fortress

The Vranov Rock Fortress, also known as Pantheon overlooks the Jizera River near Mala Skala. It’s perched on a cliff and looks more like a 15th-century chapel than a traditional castle.

Don’t miss the viewpoint about 500 meters from the entrance, offering stunning vistas of Mala Skala and the Jizera River below!

Bohemian Paradise

9. Frydstejn Castle

Frydstejn Castle, another cool ruin in Bohemian Paradise, goes way back to the 14th century.

It started as a Catholic stronghold but later got taken over by the Hussites. Interestingly, by the 16th century, everyone had bailed, so its glory days were pretty short-lived.

You can reach Frydstejn easily from Vranov, whether by car or on foot.

10. Rotštejn castle

Rotštejn is the ruins of a rock castle that dates back to before 1300. You’ll find it in the southeastern part of Klokočské Skály.

The castle was mainly built from wood, but parts were carved into sandstone blocks. Inside, you can still see rock benches in the kitchen, traces of the fireplace and chimney, remnants of a walled palace, various rock rooms, a wall with loopholes, and even a castle well carved into the rock.

Just a heads-up: In cold and rainy weather, the monument is closed for safety reasons.

Bohemian Paradise

11. Klokočské rock city

Next to Rotštejn castle is Klokočské Skály – a compact rock formation made of Palaeozoic sandstone, reaching up to 60 meters thick and filled with numerous caverns.

Above the village of Klokočí, the rock wall ends in a steep cliff. It stretches about 1600 meters in length, punctuated by solitary rock towers and fissures known as the Klokočské Průchody.

Within the rock wall itself, you’ll find plenty of cave hollows to explore.

📍 This is the route we followed: https://mapy.cz/s/nujalonebo

Bohemian Paradise

12. Dine at a traditional brewery

Visiting a brewery whilst you’re in the Czech Republic is a must. Not only do breweries offer quality beer, but the food is also some of the best I’ve had in the country.

In Turnov, one of the main towns in Bohemian Paradise, you should visit Turnovska Pivnice Brewery (Turnov Brewery). Do yourself a favor and order the chicken with potato pure. Yuuum!

Read next: 24 delicious dishes in Czechia you should try

Bohemian Paradise
Bohemian Paradise

Read more posts about the Czech Republic

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