Volcano boarding in Nicaragua: All you need to know

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

How would you feel about volcano boarding in Nicaragua? Find out what it’s all about and what to expect in this tried and tested guide.

As I looked over the edge of the steep, ominous charcoal-black volcano, I thought to myself: “Puh-leeze, what’s with the whining, everyone? This is going to be AWESOME!

It wasn’t until I was 20 meters down the slope, racing 50 km/h on a little piece of wood that I realised, this was probably not so well-considered after all.

Let’s take it from the beginning..

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Volcano boarding in Nicaragua

In May, Thomas and I decided to try volcano boarding in Nicaragua, a country of 19 active volcanoes. Climbing a volcano was one thing, but sledding down its slope on a wooden board? That’s a story for the grandkids.

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of flying off a pebble-scraping volcanic slope, previously occupied by you and your volcano board. It’s hot, dusty, a little scary – and one of the absolute craziest things I’ve ever done.

Volcano boarding is possible at Cerro Negro volcano, just outside Leon; a colonial city with beautiful churches, colourful houses and sprawling revolutionary murals. But today, it’s mostly known amongst thrill-seeking travelers for volcano boarding. 

Read next: 12 epic things to do in Leon

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Who invented volcano boarding?

Volcano boarding was invented in 2004 by Daryn Webb, an Australian who was intent on riding down the side of an active volcano. First on a picnic table. Then a mattress and, later, his front door.

While he did survive to think up more ideas (I’m not sure about the front door), he eventually created a sledlike piece of plywood. And bam – volcano boarding in Nicaragua was born.

There’s only two places in the world to try volcano boarding – in Nicaragua and Chile. In parts of South America and Africa, you can also try sand boarding, but this is nothing like volcano boarding.

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Hiking Cerro Negro

Cerro Negro is the youngest volcano in Central America, and like a rebellious teen, it’s active. Since its birth in 1850 it has erupted over 20 times, the last in 1999. Made up of small grains of volcanic rock, the dark, smooth ash on Cerro Negro make it perfect for sliding down the slopes.

We climbed Cerro Negro on a sizzling hot day in Nicaragua. With a height of 728 meters, it took us 45 minutes to reach the summit with a few breaks included. 

At the top, we continued to the main crater’s exposed rim. The views were surreal: on one side, the cooled lava flow from the 1999 eruption covered the side of the mountain; on the other, the gaping crater in burnt orange, yellow and pitch black volcanic ask, spewing out smoke here and there. 

Volcano boarding Nicaragua
Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Boarding down

Once we reached the drop zone, I sat on my board, grabbed the rope in front, and off I went! Building speed rather quickly, I was soon blindsided by dust and sharp rocks, and all I could feel was the panic rapidly building up inside me. The board was hard to control and the faster I went, the more volcanic gravel was kicked into my face.

My cocky arrogance had fled the scene.

Heart pounded so loud that I couldn’t hear my own thoughts, and finally I did the only rational thing possible: leaned way back to gain balance and slow down. But oh, what a bad idea! Not only did it have the opposite effect, but it resulted in the board going sideways on me. Two feet down, both elbows deep in the burning hot gravel and a serious squealing moment later, I fell off and finally got the board to stop. 

Safely back at the base and without any battle wounds to show, I realised that I had volcano dust and pebbles über alles! In my mouth, ears, nose, socks, everywhere.

As I rinsed my mouth of the last bad-tasting gravel, I found volcanic ash and small stones in my bra. Yes, it was gross, but also kinda awesome. I mean, volcanic ash in your bra – how often do you get to try that!

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua
Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

The boards

The board is basically a sled with a rope handle. It’s rectangular and made of plywood reinforced with Formica and with metal mounted on the bottom.

You use your feet to steer and control speed.

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

How to board down Cerro Negro

There are two ways to go volcano boarding in Nicaragua. You can stand up like on a snowboard, or you can sit down like on a sled. Standing up may look cooler for photos, but it’s actually lame. You can’t go that fast and it’s tougher to keep balance. It’s much better to sit on the board like on a sled.

Once you’re seated, you more or less control the speed yourself. You either put a foot down to go slower or lean back if you want to speed up. Your guide will explain all of this before you go down.

It goes pretty fast if you want it to. Average speed is around 45 kmh and the record is 100 kmh. But you can also take it slow and just put your feet down. 

Travel tip: Try to keep your mouth shut on the way down. There’s pebbles and dust everywhere.

Volcano boarding Nicaragua
Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Which tour to book with (costs and details)

While Bigfoot Hostel is one of the better-known operators, other smaller tours have also emerged. We went on a private tour and I wish we had gone with a larger group. It’s just more fun with other people.

Another large tour operator is Quetzaltrekkers, which donates all profits to local nonprofits that work with children at-risk. They also allow you to board down twice, although as awesome as that sounds, remember that sliding twice means also hiking up twice. 

Costs: The price of volcano boarding Cerro Negro is around $25 per person, plus you have to pay another $5 at the entrance to the volcano. If you want a local to carry your board up the volcano, that’ll cost you another $5.

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

What to wear for volcano boarding in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a hot and humid country so dress light. Before takeoff, the tour company gives you some fancy overalls, goggles and gloves to protect the clothes and skin. The volcanic stones are sharp enough to tear holes without the protective gear. 

This is what to wear on volcano boarding in Nicaragua:

  • Trousers
  • T-shirt or top
  • Sunglasses
  • Hiking boots or sneakers (with sturdy soles because you’ll use your feet to brake)
  • Bandana to cover face.
  • Plenty of sun lotion.
  • Hat (optional)
Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Volcano boarding Nicaragua

Is volcano boarding safe?

In general, yes. If you follow the guide’s instructions, volcano boarding in Nicaragua is relatively safe.

Of course, there’s always risk involved when you do adventure sports, just like there is with sandboarding, biking or surfing. And if you try to break the speed record (100 kmh), you might end up with bruises and cuts since volcanic rock is not as forgiving as sand or snow. I was told that it’s not likely to break any bones.

By the way, it should go without saying, but if you’re brave enough to try to board down an active volcano, remember to get travel insurance! I use and recommend World Nomads, which covers adventure sports like volcano boarding.

And if you change your mind at the top, don’t worry. You can always run down or just walk. That’s what the guides do.

Volcano boarding Nicaragua
Volcano boarding Nicaragua

So, let’s have it. Would you ever go volcano boarding in Nicaragua?

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Want to try volcano boarding in Nicaragua? Read my guide on which company to go with, what to wear and what to expect from sliding down an active volcano. #volcanoboarding #nicaragua
Want to try volcano boarding in Nicaragua? Read my guide on which company to go with, what to wear and what to expect from sliding down an active volcano. #volcanoboarding #nicaragua

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  1. I don’t know if volcano-boarding was a thing yet back in 2011 when I last passed through Nic, however I’ve heard lots about it these last couple years. Definitely going to give it a shot when I pass back through there in a couple months. Will probably stay at and book through Big Foot too, I’m a big fan of hostels. Thanks for the info!

    BTW….is it possible to stand up on the boards?

    1. Oh, you should, Derek, and definitely book with Big Foot! Volcano boarding was the highlight of my Central America trip – it was such a rush! Sure, you can stand up on the boards, but you won’t be able to build as much speed as the volcano gravel is quite uneven and you’ll fall over. I saw a few guys who tried it, and I blazed right past them by sitting down 🙂 If you book with Big Foot you can go several times, so maybe just mix it up – and let me know how it went if you go.

  2. Hi Miriam!
    Great post! I’m about to go to Leon and try volcano boarding. It’s not exactly my cup of tea but I really want to hike the volcano and everyone raves about this! I appreciate the tip on what tour company is best.

    1. You’re welcome, Kira. You can hike a volcano without boarding it and still have fun – Nicaragua is great for that! Volcano boarding can be quite rough and steep so make sure to take it easy on your way down if you’re not feeling adventurous.

  3. I did this in Leon a few years ago and had a blast! I raced my friend down and tried to gain too much speed and ended up wiping out and biting the dust as well. He was the tortoise that won the race.

    1. Haha, there’s a moral to that story. But on the other hand – if you hadn’t raced and wiped out, you wouldn’t have a great story to tell at all.

  4. That sounds horrible and I don’t think I would do it again with a different tour group just for the beer and mojitos. I would just bring beer and mojitos and enjoy the view and forget the danger to life and limb. Besides, in Hawaii Volcanos are sacred and I think it would be sacrilege to board the volcano in such a fashion. In fact, at Haleakala Volcanos National Park on Maui, Hawaii, you can’t even go on the gravel of the volcano, must stay on a trail that leads into the volcano. Plus the native people used to walk up to the volcano to pray and speak to the Gods, with this activity there can be any conversation but the GODS throwing gravel in your face hoping you won’t do it again. Plus staying on the trail leaves the colorations of the volcanic gravel blast intact for future generations to see and enjoy and learn from. Not just trash the volcano because you can. I am sorry but I think it is a junk trip to do this activity.

    1. Hi Maria, thank you for commenting.
      This is a tough topic, because cultures are so different; In one country something might be considered popular and fun, in another it is sacrilegious or taboo. I understand your point of view, I truly do, but most travelers don’t have a cultural or religious opinion about volcanos (myself included). In their culture, volcanos aren’t considered sacred, so they really can’t be blamed. If someone tried volcano boarding in Hawaii, it would be another case entirely!
      Your country seems to treasure culture. I hope I get to visit one day.

  5. I’m in Granada currently and will be in Leon in a few days with the intention of trying this! Thanks for the tip– I will probably go with big foot!

  6. How terrified were you at the top?!? I almost couldn’t do it.

    Volcano boarding was such an amazing experience!

    1. It is steep, but you can always walk down if you prefer. You will still have climbed an active volcano and there are some great views from the top.

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