21 weird laws in Singapore that could get you in trouble

This is the original first blog post about weird laws in Singapore. Read my updated guide on Singapore’s most bizarre laws that you probably had no idea existed.

Weird Laws in Singapore

Singapore is known for its low crime rate and impeccable cleanliness. It is also sometimes called the fine city, which has a double meaning.

The label refers to the fine state that Singapore is in, but it also refers to the many fines that the country hands out.

Let’s take a look at some of the funny and weird laws in Singapore.

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Laws in Singapore

If you’re thinking of heading to Singapore, you should be aware that the country has strict regulations, some of which may seem harsh.

For example, the rattan cane is legally used as punishment, not only for criminals, but also as a disciplinary measure in schools, the military and in the domestic scene.  

Laws in Singapore are strictly enforced, and failing to abide by these customs could get you in serious trouble.

Now, don’t let this discourage you from visiting Singapore. This country is incredibly safe to travel in and it has a lot of great activities, free sights and a mix of cultures. 

If you’re a respectful traveler you’re not going to get in trouble.

Read next: Where to stay in Singapore

21 weird laws in Singapore

1. Singing in public

Penalty: <3 months in prison

According to Singapore Statutes Online, singing, reciting or uttering any ballad or obscene song in public is illegal.

If you’re caught breaking this Singapore law, you’ll be punished with 3 months’ imprisonment, a fine or both.

Singing in Singapore
Photo by Chris Waits

2. Connecting to another person’s WIFI

Penalty: <3 years in prison or $10,000 fine

According to Singapore’s Computer Misuse and Cypersecurity Act, using another person’s WiFi is defined as hacking.

The penalty for this is a hefty $10,000 fine, 3 years in jail, or both.

3. Playing annoying music in public

In Singapore, blasting annoying music in public can also land you in hot water.

According to the Environmental Public Health Act, you can face a fine of up to $1,000.

4. Feeding pigeons

Penalty: $500

Feeding pigeons might not sound like a criminal offense, but in Singapore it is. If you’re caught tossing your leftovers to the birds, it will cost you $500.

Feeding pigeons, Singapore
Photo by Aimee Rivers

5. Homosexuality

Penalty: <2 years in prison

Same sex relations are forbidden in Singapore although this law is not nearly as strictly enforced as some of the other laws.

It used to be under the umbrella of sex against the order of nature.

6. Jaywalking

You better watch where you’re crossing the street! Jaywalking is a big no-no, and the government ain’t playing around.

If you get caught, you could be slapped with a fine. So, use the crosswalks!

7. Interfering with public traffic by flying a kite or playing a game

It’s a no-go to mess with public traffic by flying a kite or playing a game. The law is from the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act.

Offenders could face a fine of up to $1,000.

8. Flush! Or face the consequences!

Penalty: $150

Failure to flush a public toilet after use may result in rather hefty fines according to laws in Singapore.

And don’t even think of urinating in elevators. They are equipped with Urine Detection Devices (UDD) that detect the scent of urine, set off an alarm, and close the doors until the police arrive.

Laws in Singapore
Photo by Yamazaki Yumeto

9. No hugging without permission

Did you know that hugging without permission is against the law in Singapore? Well, it is.

As per the Miscellaneous Offences (Public Order and Nuisance) Act, the penalty for violating the law can go up to $1,000.

So next time you feel the urge to hug someone, make sure you have their consent first.

10. Smoking in public

Penalty: $152 –  760

In Singapore, there’s a law against smoking in public places and in vehicles. This law was put in place to ensure a clean and healthy environment for the public and protect people from secondhand smoking.

Although it’s not illegal to buy cigarettes or smoke in your own home, it is illegal to smoke in public and it’s considered an offense to enter the country with cigarettes.

Smoking in public
Photo by Brice Ambrosiak

11. Using E-cigarettes

Using e-cigarettes is also illegal.

The ban includes buying, importing, and possessing e-cigarettes. You can face a fine of up to $2,000 for the first offense, and up to $10,000 for subsequent offenses.

The law aims to protect public health.

12. Suicide is illegal

In Singapore, it’s illegal to commit suicide.

The penalty for attempting to take your own life is a fine or even jail time, according to the Singapore Penal Code, Section 309.

❤️‍🩹 If you’re struggling and having thoughts of taking your own life, please make sure to reach out for help.

13. Walking around your house naked

Penalty: $1,000

While smoking at home is fine, walking around naked is not. If you break this law in Singapore, you may face pornography charges which can lead to imprisonment or big fines. 

So, close the curtains next time you’re getting ready for a shower.

14. Graffiti

Graffiti is a big no-no.

The government takes it seriously, and if you get caught tagging public property, you could be fined up to $2,000 or even face three years behind bars.

The law aims to keep the city clean and orderly.

15. Littering

Penalty: From $300 – public service

First-time offenders who throw small items like cigarette butts or candy wrappers are fined $300.

If you’re convicted of littering three times, you will have to clean the streets once a week with a bib on saying, “I am a litterer.” 

It’s admittedly aimed at publicly shaming the offenders to ensure that they won’t litter again.

Singapore laws
Photo by Epsos

16. No drinking alcohol in public from 10:30 pm to 7:00 am

In Singapore, it’s illegal to drink alcohol in public between 10:30 pm and 7:00 am.

Violating this law can result in fines or other penalties.

17. No durian on public transport

You know durian, right? The awfully smelly fruit that’s actually banned from being brought into airports and hotels in Thailand, Hong Kong, and Japan.

In Singapore, you can’t bring it on public transport either. You won’t get fined, but there’s a clear sign at the entrance.


18. No eating on public transport

Also not allowed on public transport is eating. This rule comes from the Rapid Transit Systems Act.

If you’re caught snacking on the MRT or buses, you could be fined up to S$500. So, keep those snacks in your bag until you reach your stop!

Metro in Singapore

19. Entering Singapore after taking drugs

In Singapore, it’s a serious offense to enter the country after taking drugs.

This law is no joke and comes with harsh penalties, including imprisonment and caning, according to the Misuse of Drugs Act (Chapter 185). You don’t want to mess around with this rule.

20. Selling gum in Singapore

Penalty: $100,000 – 2 years in jail

Chewing gum is okay, but selling is forbidden.

According to Singapore Statutes Online, the punishment for smuggling gum into the country is up to 2 years in jail or a $100,000 fine.

Selling gum
Photo by Punk Marciano

Crazy Singapore laws

21. Spitting in public

Penalty: <$1,000

Singapore is not a place for spitters.

Reasonably, it’s illegal to spit in coffee shops and markets, but it’s also illegal on public roads, sideways, and any other place that’s open to the public.

If you break this law in Singapore, you’ll be slapped with a fine of up to $1,000.

FAQ – Weird laws in Singapore

What weird laws does Singapore have?

Here are some strange laws in Singapore. You can find many more in my article above:

  1. It is illegal to smoke in public.
  2. Chewing gum was banned in 1992 due to litter issues, but the ban was partially lifted in 2004.
  3. Concealing or disguising a weapon as another object of common use is illegal.

What are Singapore’s strict rules?

In Singapore, strict laws are a cornerstone of the country’s order and safety. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Public Cleanliness: Littering, spitting, or urinating in public attract hefty fines. Repeat littering offenders might even do public cleaning while wearing identifying vests.
  2. Chewing Gum: Selling and importing most chewing gums is banned, except for therapeutic types. This law is pretty unique to Singapore.
  3. Drug Offenses: Singapore takes a hard stance here. Trafficking can lead to the death penalty, and possession incurs severe penalties.
  4. Public Behavior Rules: Things like jaywalking, eating on public transport, or smoking in non-designated areas can result in fines.
  5. Vandalism and Graffiti: These acts can get you fined, imprisoned, or even caned.
  6. Alcohol Rules: There’s no public drinking allowed from 10:30 PM to 7 AM, and drunk driving is dealt with strictly.
  7. Noise Control: Making excessive noise, especially at night, might land you a fine.
  8. Environmental Laws: Singapore is serious about sustainability. There are strong regulations on water, energy, and waste.

What is the penalty for chewing gum in Singapore?

There used to be a chewing gum ban, but now it’s legal to chew gum. However, selling or making a mess with it? Big no-no.

The fines for selling gum in Singapore depend on the quantity and context.

  1. Selling and Importing Gum: Totally banned, except for therapeutic gum like nicotine gum or dental, which you can get from pharmacies.
  2. Penalties: If you’re caught importing or selling, you’re looking at serious fines. The cost can be pretty steep, depending on how much gum you have.
  3. Chewing and Littering: Just chewing gum isn’t a problem, but don’t bring loads into the country. And remember, if you litter with gum, like sticking it on public seats or tables, you’ll face a fine for littering.

What are the sources of law in Singapore?

Here are the primary juridical sources for laws in Singapore:

  1. Singapore Statutes Online: This is the official digital platform where you can access the full text of Singapore’s Acts and subsidiary legislation. Singapore Statutes Online.
  2. Subsidiary Legislation: These are detailed regulations, rules, and orders that are issued under the authority of primary legislation (Acts of Parliament). These can also be found on the Singapore Statutes Online portal.
  3. Case Law: Judicial decisions made by Singapore courts are an essential part of legal precedents. The Singapore Law Watch offers a free legal news service that provides access to judgments and legal commentary.
  4. Government Gazettes: These are official publications for announcing new laws and amendments, among other notices. You can find them at the eGazette, which is the official online platform for the Singapore Government Gazettes.
  5. Law Books and Legal Commentaries: While not available online for free, legal texts and commentaries written by experts can be found in law libraries or purchased from legal bookstores. A popular source for legal texts is the Singapore Academy of Law.

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Save it!

If you’re thinking of heading to Singapore, you should be aware that the country has important regulations, some of which may seem harsh. Here's a list of the 10 weirdest laws in Singapore.

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  1. I remember reading through Singapore’s special laws before going and feeling quite a bit nervous, ha. While the situation is getting better, the ban on homosexuality is really depressing. For a while I was working at an NGO on a research paper on homosexuality in Burma, which is banned under the same law from British colonialism as Singapore. After reading so many case studies I was totally expecting Singapore to be a lot more grim when I went, but in person it felt like such an open country! Sort of bizarre.

    1. I know what you mean. Other than the on metro, I didn’t feel restricted by Singapore’s laws either and it felt like a very open country. I spoke to a local though who shared his disagreement with the government and some of these laws. I sincerely hope they lift the ban on homosexually soon; it’s just wrong.

  2. I can’t help but get happy with no.8, the amount of times gum has ‘mysteriously’ ended up on bottom of my shoes is – blah!
    Weirdest rule for me was in Brunei. Alcohol is a no no there yet the expats goto this one hotel. Think its the 2nd floor, at the end of the corridor you enter and it is a bunch of expats having some beers. Apparently, authorities know of it and turn a blind eye. Was pretty cool being ‘naughty’ 🙂

    1. I respect that, I really do. Although they have a ban on alcohol, they turn their blind eye to foreigners drinking. I think that’s mighty big of them.

  3. Super interesting! I can totally see some of them – littering, using pedestrian crossings – and expected some of the others (no homosexuality) but the ones like walking around naked I wouldn’t never guess. I’m assuming they don’t give some wiggle room to foreigners who don’t know any better, so thanks for sharing this!

    1. I wouldn’t count on it. To my knowledge, Singapore enforces many of these rules strictly, and being a tourist isn’t a ‘get out of jail’- card. However, I didn’t encounter any issues during my stay there and I’m happy to return in the future. It seemed like a truly open country.

  4. Interesting! We had thought chewing gum was against the law (not just selling it). Janice remembers having gum in her mouth on the metro the first time she visited Singapore – and being petrified she was going to be arrested! (But she couldn’t find a garbage bin on the train to throw away the gum.) The thing is, Singapore is such a clean, safe place to visit – the laws are harsh, but the place is a pleasure to visit.

    1. I absolutely agree. It’s probably the cleanest country I’ve been to and it was truly a pleasure to be there. I remember as a child hearing stories about how chewing gum or spitting in public in Singapore would result in a serious whipping. I’m not sure if it was just stories, but I know that many rules have been changed within the last decades. Maybe chewing gum was actually illegal at one point, too.

  5. Some of these laws are so strange- like not being able to walk around naked in your own house?! I like the idea of strict laws on littering and flushing public toilets, though! Haha

    1. I know, it seems so crazy 🙂 I think they should have a law on washing hands after visiting the restroom. That law would really make sense!

  6. Here comes a wet blanket!

    4. I still encounter toilets that haven’t been flushed.
    5. People still smoke and walk – it’s legal as long as they’re not within 6 metres of a shelter.
    10. It’s really only a concern when one’s eating with fingers in a Malay setting.

    No arguments about the rest. Here’s hoping No. 3 changes soon.

    1. Thanks for an insider’s view, Nicholas! I’m glad to hear your opinion on this. This only proves to show that although Singapore has strict laws, they’re not nessesarily strictly enforced.

  7. I knew some of these, but had no idea cuddling is prohibited in public. That’s kid of sad 🙁

    And now I wonder how do they fine people for going naked at your home? Is there any special authority controlling it? Or how do you get fined and reported after all? 🙂 That’s super bizarre.

    1. I think people tell on each other, but I’m only guessing. I know that in UAE, this happens a lot. When I visited Dubai a couple of years ago, a British couple were sent to prison for kissing in public, and this was reported by a concerned citizen.

  8. This list is wildly inaccurate, while eating/drinking is not allowed on the train, there’s nothing against taking photos. There’s also no law against cuddling in public, it’s always about public indecency, which exists in many places/countries. Nobody is going to arrest you for cuddling in public, but if you start having sex in public, you might be arrested. The rest are pretty pedestrian, what’s weird about laws against littering, jaywalking?

    There are weirder/archaic laws in many other developed countries to be honest.

    1. I got this information from the Singapore Ministry of Law, a law firm and the MRT’s own website so I can asure you that it is all accurate. I agree that there’s nothing weird about having littering laws – we have them in Denmark as well – what’s weird is the penalty, which is very different from many other Western countries.

  9. I never knew about these laws, thanks for saving me embarrasment (and possible jail time 😉 ), I’d love to go to Singapore some day.

    Love the rest of your blog by the way!

  10. Some of those laws I kind of like. I was in Singapore and I remember that there was such a nice and clean athmosphere. Nobody bothered you. The metro had no nasty spots on the seats. In other words: There were never any negative surprises. Unless of course you were throwing a cigarette on the ground and police happened to see it. 🙂

    1. I absolutely agree with you, Mike! I got a lovely impression of Singapore as well and I loved how clean it was – it was almost sterile. I haven’t heard of any travelers getting in trouble other than with drugs so there’s nothing to worry about really. Unless you throw cigarette butts on the ground 😉

  11. Some of these laws are crazy. I went to Singapore and I knew about some of these, but there are few completely new and that really surprise me.

  12. hahaha, this is crazy! Amazing post, Miri! 10 Things to remember for my next 1-day layover visit to Singapore 🙂 Cheers!

  13. Wow, a lot of these (like being naked and looking suspicious) are definitely not things I would have guessed! Good to have a heads up. In an alternate universe, I probably end up in a Singapore prison for something ridiculous!

    1. Me neither 🙂 Some countries have really strange laws – earlier today I heard about this country (I didn’t get which one) that has a law against obese children. So if your child is fat, you receive a fine. Now, that’s weird!

  14. Oh my goodness I have been to Singapore and wasn’t aware of the majority of these rules!! Glad we weren’t fined for drinking water on the metro!! Like a lot of people have said Singapore feels very safe, I felt very comfortable while we were there and not restricted at all. Even in Dubai I didn’t feel threatened by the laws which deters a lot of people from going!

    1. Me neither. I didn’t feel restricted at all in Dubai or Singapore. We did unintentionally break the law in Dubai by kissing in public, and although nothing happened, it could have easily been the other way around. Just two weeks after we left, a British couple were arrested and jailed for public affection. We were lucky.

  15. Very Strange glad I seen this. I work for the Airline and maybe will go one day. About the drug thing though I see it on there customs forms that Drug Trafficking is punishment by death…. Scarry hopefully no one tries to do that….

    1. I hope you do because Singapore is a lovely country. I knew about a few of these rules when I visited, but it’s not something I felt restricted by.

  16. I’m Singaporean and I’ve never heard of the law ‘no cuddling in public’. I think hugging without permission because someone may accuse you of groping is a more likely scenario. We have young teens and adults cuddling in public and kissing all the time, some in their school uniforms too! Of course, it is frown upon as they make the people around them uncomfortable.
    Homosexuality is forbidden but nobody has banned the gays and lesbians in Singapore. However, I wish other people would stop hoping that No.3 will change soon. We should be able to keep our age old beliefs and not be held against to change just because. If you want your rights, then what about mine? Just saying.

    1. Hi XJ Lim, I understand your point of view and that this is part of your culture. But imagine being a homosexual knowing that your country is against who you are – that you are not accepted or don’t have equal rights. What about Singaporean gays and lesbians.. What about their rights?

  17. Hey Miriam!

    I’m a Singaporean and some of these laws made me laugh because I didn’t even know they existed! I’m curious as to how you came across them because they must be buried in the law books somewhere, only used when someone does something extreme. Things like kissing in public and using your left hand are very subjective.. the latter mostly applies to the Muslims because they consider it rude, but they are unlikely to chastise you if you do it anyway out of ignorance. Taking photos on the MRT is also not a problem because people do it all the time, although they are pretty strict with food and drinks.. As for walking around in your house naked.. I honestly think that’s fine as long as you’re not doing it to exhibit your birthday suit to the rest of the world :p

    1. Thanks for your input, Sheena. You prove the point that there’s a difference between the written laws and how they’re enforced. Denmark has some pretty weird rules, too, but like in Singapore, they are not noticed in everyday life.

  18. Hi! Singaporean here, 23 years old, lived here all my life – and I would like to point out that I’ve never heard of many of these laws. Some I’m sure are not actually in the books, while some might be in the books, but are not enforced.

    1) “Suspicious” is used generically and in perhaps a less than ideal fashion. No one actually presses the intercom/emergency button just because someone was making shifty eyes at them. Taking a photo for your blog is not against the law as far as I know. If it is, it’s probably generally because of privacy – no harassing people by taking unannounced photos of them and uploading it online.

    IMO there are way too many public images of people on the MRT anyway – people eating or drinking sometimes get their photos taken and posted online for doing so, as do people who choose not to give up their seats for someone else needier, and anyone being inconsiderate on the MRT by doing something like taking up more than one seat. Some agree with this practice of taking photos, some don’t, but it definitely not illegal.

    2) I’ve heard of this one but never seen it in action. I’m not sure of the exact wording, but I believe it applies to unsolicited displays of affection when an unwilling party is involved, or when the act crosses the line of what is decent in public. Public of displays of affection, especially the small ones like chaste kissing, holding hands, hugging are perfectly acceptable in public. Going around offering free hugs… I’m 99.9999% sure that’s okay too. In comparison, things like groping in public (willingly or unwillingly) crosses the line, and sex in public definitely does as well.

    3) Is true, though honestly speaking it’s not even “not enforced strictly” – it’s just not enforced (unless, again, you do it publicly or blatantly). The government really isn’t in the business of caring about what goes on in people’s bedrooms.

    4) True, but most new urinals are fitted with auto-flushing devices anyway, and it’s really not enforced. There’s no legion of toilet-cleanliness enforcers and CCTV’s to shame those who don’t flush or anything like that. But I can get behind this one – people have no business not flushing the toilet after they’re done, if anyone doesn’t flush the toilet after you’re done, especially in public, I might not want them in my country either 😛

    5) This one is just false. It’s only not legal to smoke in certain areas, such as in pubilc buildings, within 5 metres of public spaces such as bus and train stations, and the like. In general, smoking is legal, and almost every 7-11 and other small, independent shops and coffeeshops/hawker centre sells cigarettes.

    6) True, although a better way to put it is “Don’t walk around naked in a place where someone who could potentially be offended by seeing your naughty bits and decide to call the police.”

    7) True. Wait, why wouldn’t you have laws against littering? Why is this law even weird?

    8) I’m surprised that you actually got this one right (that was meant as a compliment, really!) This one seems to be the one which very few gets right – even Singaporeans, sometimes. The rationale behind it is there was a period in the 80’s where chewing gum resulted in disgusting – and sometimes downright dangerous – situations – for example, gum stuck on the pavement is unsightly, under someone’s shoe is annoying, in lift doors or train doors could possibly cause an accident and/or cost thousands of dollars if any damage is done or delay is created.

    9) The rule is within 30 metres, not 50, I believe, though I might be wrong on this one. It’s for your own safety, as well as the safety of the drivers. But few people actually care, and generally if the road is empty many people just cross it anyway. We’re a nation of lawbreakers.

    10) Totally false. I’m a leftie. Maybe in some religions (such as Islam) it might be considered rude (though I’m not entirely sure about this), but I’m not Islamic and I’ve never actually met any resistance or any form of discrimination just because I do many things with my left hand, even from Muslims. I’ve never seen anything here that tells me that Singapore isn’t a place for lefties.

    1. Hi KC,
      As I’ve mentioned earlier, I got this information from the Singapore Ministry of Law, a law firm and the MRT’s own website so I can asure you that it is all accurate and it IS in fact in the books. However, as in all other countries, I’m aware that not every single law is enforced, but the point of this post was to show the laws – not how they are enforced.

      I hope you don’t take this post as negative against your country, because I actually liked Singapore a lot! Every country, my own included, has weird laws, but that doesn’t mean that the country can’t be a wonderful place.

  19. chewing gum is not allowed. There is no gum allowed except special prescription dental gum from a doctor or dentist.

  20. thanks for this site lol some of them are pretty funny in doing a report for my school this info comes in handy thanks again 🙂

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